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Moshir, M., Fowler, J. W., & Henderson, D. 2003, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 295 Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XII, eds. H. E. Payne, R. I. Jedrzejewski, & R. N. Hook (San Francisco: ASP), 181

Uncertainty Estimation and Propagation in SIRTF Pipelines

Mehrdad Moshir, John Fowler, David Henderson
SIRTF Science Center, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125


In the course of reducing raw data from SIRTF into properly calibrated science products, many automated pipelines are utilized. In a typical pipeline, instrumental signatures are successively removed, and previously computed calibration values are applied. For such a large-scale automated process one needs to estimate quantitatively the results of data reduction to facilitate quality assessment, for example to verify that requirements are met. Furthermore, higher level science products such as point source extraction or mosaicking are dependent on trustable estimates of uncertainties in the data. In addition, it is essential that the end-user is supplied with statistically meaningful measures of confidence in the quoted fluxes or positions to allow full scientific utilization. For these reasons all of SIRTF pipelines have been designed to estimate and propagate uncertainties in each step. Here we will discuss the methods that have been adopted for estimating and propagating uncertainties. Our approach is based on sound statistical reasoning while taking into account the implications of inherent uncertainties in the characterization of the instrumental signatures that we are trying to remove.

1. Introduction

The Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF), the last member of the four Great Observatories program, will be launched in January, 2003. Multiple instruments covering a wide range of wavelengths, from $\sim 3\mu$m to $\sim 160\mu$m, will be utilized to gather data in both imaging and spectroscopic modes during the expected five-year life of the mission.

The data from individual observations will be processed through a set of pipelines specific to the particular data collection mode, and an infrastructure has been implemented to enable the processing and quality assessment in a lights-out fashion (Moshir 2001). Typically for a given instrument, calibration data are first processed through a set of calibration pipelines and then the resulting calibration terms are employed during the reduction and calibration of regular science data products. A paper at this conference discusses the spectroscopic mode pipelines (Fang et al. 2003). The SIRTF Science Center (SSC) is committed to providing the user community the most up-to-date calibrated data products. As part of this commitment it is also planned to provide the users with estimates of product uncertainties that are traceable, reasonable, and at the same time informative.

In Section 2 we will first discuss some of the motivating concepts for this undertaking, and in Section 3 we will discuss the statistics and practical aspects of approaching the problem. Section 4 is devoted to a discussion of examples and complications. In Section 5 we discuss the issue of uncertainty propagation when calibration data are interpolated.

2. Motivation

In many undertakings it is customary (due to diverse circumstances such as lack of resources, compressed schedules, etc.) to quote reasonable uncertainties--at times using somewhat ad-hoc methods. In our discussion, besides the requirement of reasonableness we wish to emphasize the adjective informative. It signifies that it is possible to make statistically significant statements regarding the quality of the data. An example of when correct and informative uncertainties provide significant aid in scientific utilization of the data can be seen in Figure 1. In the left panel the flux densities for a source quoted in the IRAS Faint Source Survey (Moshir et al. 1992) and IRAS pointed observations are shown. Without the ``error bars'' it would not be possible to conclude much about the detections, or even whether the data are trustable at all. However, with the uncertainties shown, it is possible to consider and evaluate several hypotheses to explain the disagreement between the two datasets. Here the hypothesis of a variable source appears to fit the data well (right panel). Later follow up of the source revealed that the object was in fact a variable star.

Figure 1: Illustration of flux density measurements with informative uncertainties. The data point at a flux density of $\sim 400\ $mJy is from the IRAS Faint Source Survey, the remainder are from pointed observations. Data are consistent with a variable source.

In passing we note some areas where uncertainty analysis has been proven to be of significant utility:

3. Statistics and Practical Considerations

In order to proceed with the program of uncertainty estimation and propagation, a few preliminaries need to be considered:

In many cases in the discussion of uncertainties there is an unspoken assumption that prevails, namely that of normality. There are many reasons for this. For example, Gaussian distributions are part of every science curriculum. They are easy to manipulate and lead to rigorous justification for least squares fit, $\chi^2$ minimization, and goodness of fit tests. The second moments can be tied to confidence levels (1-$\sigma$ and 68% probability becoming interchangeable). And finally, under reasonable ( but not all) conditions, many scenarios lead to Normal distributions.

It needs to be kept in mind that the assumptions of normality should not cloud practical situations (where the statement ``let $N \rightarrow \infty$'' does not clearly apply!) There are cases when uncertainties can not be treated as Gaussian because data are a mixture of different distributions, for example there are radiation hits, transients in the field of view, etc. There are also cases where the instrumental noise does not follow a Gaussian model. And an important often encountered situation is that mathematical operations on Gaussian data can easily turn them into non-Gaussian constructs.

Despite all of the previous points and potential complications, one still needs to estimate $\sigma$s that are reasonable and informative so they can be used to signify confidence bands. These complications only make the subject more interesting and reveal some new approaches in the field of practical applications of statistics.

As an illustration of the scenarios we encounter, two pipelines, one for science and the other for calibration are shown in Figure 2. The science pipeline consists of a series of well defined arithmetical operations for which the rules of mathematical statistics provide the means of propagating the uncertainties. The science pipeline also applies calibration terms to the products using well defined mathematical operations; these steps are shown with a thick arrow. In these stages one must be aware of epoch differences between when the calibration measurements are performed and when the science data are collected. This leads to the issues of uncertainty propagation with sparse calibration terms, a subject that will be discussed in section 5. Similar considerations apply to the calibration pipeline shown in the right hand side panel of Figure 2.

Figure 2: Pipelines for MIPS 24$\mu $m science data (left panel) and for MIPS 24$\mu $m non-linearity calibration.

3.1 Noise Modeling

With the advent of sophisticated (and expensive!) instrumentation, they are also becoming generally well characterizable. The noise model is usually known to a reasonable extent. The model is generally verified in lab tests, for example through repeatability experiments. For a measured DN value one can write a formula for the uncertainty that depends on the measured DN and a few other characterized parameters (independent of DN value). For example via a simple formula such as $\sigma^2 = g \times DN + \sigma_r^2$, where $\sigma$ is in electrons, $g$ is the gain (in e-/DN) and $\sigma_r$ is the ``read noise'' expressed in electrons; thus one may assign an a priori uncertainty to each measured value. For a given measurement $\phi = DN \pm \sigma'$ ( $\sigma' = \sigma /g$) it becomes possible to propagate the uncertainties as the measurement progresses through pipelines. Now suppose that the instrument's gain is not known at a given instance (the physics of the detector would lead to a variable gain, for example the transients in a Ge:Ga array). As a case study we consider the scenario where it is only known that the gain is varying somewhere in the range of 3 to 8 e-/DN.

We desire the uncertainty distribution appropriate for photon noise (following the common model of Poisson statistics) with a gain that is variable or unknown. Photo-electron number is DN multiplied by the gain $g$. The gain is normally treated as a constant, but here the problem is defined such that our lack of knowledge of the gain (except that it is somewhere between 3 and 8!) leads us to treat the gain as a random variable with a uniform distribution. For example, a DN value of 1 may imply anything from 3 to 8 photo-electrons with equal probability (again we emphasize that the instrument is not acting randomly, it is our state of knowledge that is incomplete).

The situation may be thought of as one in which the gain varies smoothly from 3 to 8 over the integration period. There is no resolution into what happens within one integration time, so the gain could actually be jumping instantaneously from one value to another, but after the integration is complete, the gain must have spent a fraction $\Delta g/5$ of the integration time within the range from $g$ to $g+ \Delta g$ for all values of $g$ from 3 to $8-\Delta g$ and for all values of $\Delta g$ greater than zero and less than or equal to 5. This follows from the assumption of $g$ being uniformly distributed over $[3,8]$. With no evidence to the contrary, so we can think of $g$ as varying smoothly over $[3,8]$.

Think of the range $[3,8]$ as subdivided into N equal sections, with N large enough so that $1/N \ll g$. The gain at the center of the $n^{th}$ section is $3 + (n - 1/2)/N$. The total distribution is then the sum of $N$ Poisson distributions with mean and variance equal to $DN (3 + (n - 1/2)/N)$, $n = 1, 2, 3, ... N$.

A representative read noise value to use in this example is 350 electrons, so photon noise very much smaller than this is negligible, and therefore any photon noise worth considering may be assumed to be in the Gaussian limit of the Poisson distribution. This assumption is not necessary, but it simplifies the numerical construction of the above total distribution. We note in passing that the sum of two or more Gaussian populations is algebraically non-Gaussian, but this does not preclude numerical properties that may resemble a single Gaussian distribution to a sufficiently good approximation (and similarly for Poisson distributions).

Figure 3: The expected distributions when the ``gain'' in the noise model is only known to fall within some range.

To study this approximation, total distributions were computed for $DN$ values of 1000, 10000, 30000, and 50000 DN. Renormalized histograms were made for each of the N = 1000 distributions described above. These are shown in Figure 3 as solid lines with colors green, blue, purple, and red, respectively. Then the pure Gaussian density function was evaluated at the center of each cell; these values are shown in the figure as black dots in all cases (the black dots along each curve are the pure Gaussian values for that curve's $DN$ value). It is obvious from the figure that the pure Gaussian distributions based on the average gain are extremely good approximations to the distributions based on uniform mixtures over the gain range.

This model of the photon noise is applicable even when the gain is not actually varying but is merely unknown and equally likely to be anywhere in the range used. Once a measurement is made, whatever error occurred is always some unknown constant. The distribution of possible values represents the uncertainty in what the error was, not the error itself, which either cannot be known or else could be removed.

4. Examples and Complications

As stated earlier, the rules of mathematics and statistics allow one to formally propagate uncertainties, but in the process one should be aware of some pitfalls. A given measurement $\phi = DN \pm \sigma'$ undergoes many arithmetic operations until a final calibrated value appears out of a pipeline. Some mathematical operations are safe in the use of the central limit theorem to assume a normal distribution for the resultant. However, in general, caution is advised in the invocation of asymptotic normalcy. We observe that when $x \in N(\mu_1, \sigma_1)$, and $y \in N(\mu_2, \sigma_2)$ then both of the primitive arithmetic operations $+$ and $-$ result in $x+y$ and $x-y$ following a normal distribution. The other two primitive operations of multiply and divide lead to non-Gaussian results when $x \times y$ and $x / y$ are calculated.

An interesting case to consider is when we divide two values which we have reason to believe are each following the Normal distribution. For example, a value in a pixel is divided by a flat-field to obtain a flattened image. The pixel value (in the numerator) prior to this operation has undergone many operations and is seen empirically to follow very closely a Gaussian distribution. The flat-field has very likely come from the process of super-medianing or trimmed-averaging of a large number of independent values, thus it is expected to be a good candidate for invoking the central limit theorem, and is expected to follow a Gaussian as well. With these preambles we form the flat-fielded value $z = x/ y$. With a bit of effort one can derive the probability distribution for $z = x/ y$, when $x \in N(\mu_1, \sigma_1)$, and $y \in N(\mu_2, \sigma_2)$; $P(z)$ has the following form:

} -
\left( {{\sigma_1}}^
2 + z^2\,
\right) } \end{displaymath}

Asymptotically, as $z \rightarrow \pm \infty$, the distribution becomes Cauchy-like

} -
{{}}}) \right) }
{{{2 \pi (\sigma_1^2 + z^2 \sigma_2^2)}}} \end{displaymath}

It is well known that the Cauchy distribution does not possess first or higher order moments. Thus we can neither claim an expected value nor an uncertainty for the flat-fielded result! From experience we know this to be an absurd proposition; for years people have used flat-fielded images and have even come up with ``error bars.'' From this exercise it is clear that assuming Gaussian behavior for the numerator and denominator (which appeared to be reasonable) can lead to erroneous conclusions if one attempts to strictly adhere to mathematical rigor. Instead we must use the rules of plausible reasoning, because we are dealing with real world scenarios. For one thing, the flat-field frame is a positive definite quantity, the algorithms that produce the flat-field must ensure that this is the case. If arithmetic leads to a non-physical value, that value must be masked appropriately so that when the result is used in pipeline processing, its non-physical nature could be communicated. SIRTF calibration pipelines produce such calibration quality mask files, and use them for quality assessment (see the step called CHECKMASK_DP in the example calibration pipeline in Figure 2.) For another thing, while the denominator (the flat-field frame) is thought to be Gaussian, this is only in appearance. It is possible to come up with a function that looks very much Gaussian, but in fact has a compact support (mathematically speaking). This is illustrated in Figure 4. If we follow the approach of plausible reasoning and use the lower-peaked curve in Figure 4 as the distribution of flat-field uncertainties, then the ratio $z = x/ y$ will be very well behaved, asymptotically it will decay rapidly, and will possess moments as well. Following this approach, since the ratio is now expected to have a second moment, it is possible to use an equation such as $\sigma_z^2/z^2 = \sigma_x^2/x^2
+\sigma_y^2/y^2 + 3 \sigma_x^2/x^2 \sigma_y^2/y^2$ to derive the formal variance of the ratio (which is very accurate even when the numerator and denominator have large uncertainties).

Figure 4: A Gaussian distribution (red curve), along with another distribution of compact support with same mean and standard deviation (lower-peaked) which also looks very Gaussian.

As an application, let us consider again the case of flat fielding. Suppose that the pixel to be flattened has a value of 1,000 and an uncertainty of 1.4%, this measurement has a sharp symmetric distribution. Next suppose the flat-field for that pixel has an uncertainty of 25%,1 the denominator also has a symmetric distribution (similar to the blue curve in Figure 4). Under this scenario the probability distribution for the flat fielded value has the form shown in Figure 5. The important point to note is that the distribution is asymmetric (due to the large uncertainty in the denominator). If a minimum range corresponding to 68% probability is calculated from the distribution of P(z), the resulting `$\sigma$' agrees very closely with the expression for $\sigma_z^2/z^2$ that was discussed earlier.

A library of functions dealing with the four primary arithmetic operations has been developed and used by pipeline modules. For more complex operations, each module propagates the uncertainty according to the specific algorithmic form. As example consider detector non-linearity. The non-linearity coefficient $\alpha$ has been estimated for each pixel in a calibration pipeline (see Figure 2); the science pipeline estimates a linearized DN from the observed DN. The model is simple, $DN_{obs}= \alpha DN_{true}^2
+ DN_{true}$. In this case, performing a few reduction steps, the uncertainty due to the application of the algorithm with the given $\alpha$ becomes

\begin{displaymath}\sigma_{DN_{linear}} \approx \frac {\sigma_{\alpha} DN_{linear}^2}
{2 \alpha DN_{linear} +1} \end{displaymath}

The input data, $DN_{obs}$ are originally accompanied by uncertainties; the final uncertainty of the result is obtained by ``rss-ing'' the two quantities (neglecting first order terms in error expansion, which is valid in this particular case).

Figure 5: The distribution function for a flat fielded pixel when the input pixel has a sharp symmetric distribution with $\sigma = 1.4\%$ and the flat-field has a wide symmetric distribution with $\sigma = 25\%$.

5. Calibration Extension and Uncertainties

As part of pipeline processing, calibration terms need be applied to the data. In general only a finite number of calibration measurements are performed over a given time period. From those discrete observations, calibration terms must be extended beyond their original domain. Of course with modern instrumentation the builders do their utmost to set up stable and calibratable instruments. The instrument builders count heavily on the power of calibration extension. The process of calibration can fall into two general categories discussed below.

5.1 Calibration Extension with Control Parameters

In this scenario, the measured calibration terms are known to be correlated with known control parameters (an instrument builder's dream!) Here, only occasional calibration measurements are performed to verify that the correlation is still valid. The correlation curve is characterized along with uncertainties. At any given time, the calibration term can be ``looked up'' by measuring the control parameter (which could be a frequently sampled House-Keeping parameter) and then using that value to estimate the calibration term and its uncertainty, as illustrated in Figure 6. As stated earlier this is almost dream-like for an instrument builder. With few calibration measurements it is possible to periodically validate the model and continue using a deterministic calibration model.

Figure 6: Left, control parameter versus time. Right, the known correlation of a calibration term with the control parameter.

5.2 Calibration Extension with Calibration Rules

The case just discussed is usually the exception rather than the rule! More frequently, the dependence of calibration on control parameters is not known well, or there are too many control parameters, each with its own ``seemingly random'' variation. In this case it is difficult, if not impossible, to reach the same level of luxury as in previous section. The purpose of a mission is to maximize science time while staying well calibrated, not to spend most of the time to fully characterize calibration. Thus a few calibration measurements are performed on a routine basis and the principle of ``calibration extension'' is invoked, resulting in a set of calibration rules, for example

Each of these rules leads to different quotes for uncertainties. For example in the case of fallback, there is no sense of context, thus extend the uncertainty the same way as the fallback term itself. A more non-trivial case is when two calibration measurements have been performed at two different times, and the two calibration products are different without there being an apparent reason (happens so often!). A calibration rule is then invoked and the pipelines use a nearest in time value or perhaps an interpolation between the two. Taking the latter case, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, assume calibration term changes continuously from value $C_1$ at time $t_1$ to value $C_2$ at time $t_2$ (plausible reasoning). The simplest continuous function is a straight line. So the calibration extended to time $t$ is $C_t = (1 - \alpha) C_1 + \alpha C_2$ where $\alpha = (t - t_1)/(t_2 - t_1)$. The next issue is what to use for the uncertainty of $C_t$. We stated that in the absence of information the least costly path from $C_1$ at $t_1$ to $C_2$ at $t_2$ appears to be a straight line, but other possibilities exist as well. A random walk could take us from $C_1$ at $t_1$ to $C_2$ at $t_2$ also! In fact instruments are known to have drifts, often times expressible by fractional Brownian Motion (fBM processes). We can postulate that the variance of $C_1$ used at time t is $V_t(C_1) = V_{t_1}(C_1) + V_{rw} \vert t - t_1\vert/\vert t_2 - t_1\vert$, where $V_{rw}=(C1-C2)^2$, similarly for $V_t(C_2)$. This results in the growth of uncertainty in the interpolation scheme that is seen in Figure 7. Plausible reasoning has led to a growth of uncertainty as we go farther away from the epoch of calibration measurement.

Figure 7: The uncertainty growth as a result of interpolation of a calibration term at two discrete epochs.

6. Summary

Plausible reasoning leads to consistent and sufficiently accurate uncertainty propagation methods, even in seemingly dead-end scenarios. Expenditure of resources on uncertainty characterization is highly recommended to all projects.


This work was carried out at the SIRTF Science Center, with funding from NASA under contract to the California Institute of Technology and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.


Moshir, M. 2001, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 281, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XI, ed. David A. Bohlender, Daniel Durand and T. H. Handley (San Francisco: ASP), 336

Fang, F. et al. 2003, this volume, 253

Moshir, M. et al. 1992, Explanatory Supplement to the IRAS Faint Source Survey, Version2, JPL D-10015 8/92 (Pasadena:JPL)

Masci, F. et al. 2003, this volume, 391


... 25\%,1
There will be instances during estimating a spectral flat-field that the reference object's spectrum is not known accurately over a given wavelength range; this lack of knowledge is thus transferred into the estimated flat-field frame.

© Copyright 2003 Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 390 Ashton Avenue, San Francisco, California 94112, USA
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